phlebotomy in Alaska

Phlebotomy Certification Alaska and More

Phlebotomy Certification Alaska:

One does not need to be nationally certified to work as a phlebotomist or a phlebotomy technician in Alaska. However it is always a good idea to get your certification. That is because national certification brings better jobs, higher pay and an edge over the other employees whom are not certified.

Although phlebotomy certification Alaska is not required you must receive phlebotomy training or attend phlebotomy classes before you can work on your certification.

Let us take a look at  the step by step process to become a phlebotomist in Alaska.

Phlebotomy Training/ Schooling Alaska:

In Alaska, you can attend a local phlebotomy training program or have worked full time as a phlebotomist in order to get your certificate. Phlebotomy training or work should include performing skin punctures and some blood drawing. Each school and training program will offer different things and therefore for your best interest take a look at the them and decide which program is best for you. However each school will give you the basic knowledge and prepare you for hands on procedures. Some of the time in the program will be spent in class learning important procedures and protocol and the rest of the training will be spent on hands on training. To help you decide which school or training program would be best for you, you can ask the schools questions to help you come to a decision.

Ask them:

  • what the tuition cost is?
  • if the school is accredited?
  • if they can help you find a job after completing the training?
  • does the school offer you to take the certification exam on site?
  • how long will the training take?
  • does the school offer online or night classes?

Write down all the answers so that you can always go back to see them.

Take a look below to help you can find phlebotomy schools in Alaska offer phlebotomy training:


 Phlebotomy Certification Alaska:

Once you completed your schooling or phlebotomy training you can work towards receiving your phlebotomy certification. To become certified you must take an exam from a certifying agency and pass. There are various agencies that can certify you as a phlebotomist or a phlebotomy technician and you only need to be certified by one of them. The agencies all have different requirements and therefore you must research them and see what is best for you. Make sure that the certifying agency is accepted in your state.

Phlebotomy Jobs Alaska:

Heath care jobs such as phlebotomy are rising all over America, therefore now is a great time to go into a health care profession. Although most jobs will be found in hospitals or local clinics, physician offices and even local government offices require phlebotomist. Research jobs now!


Phlebotomist Salary in Alaska:

The average salary for a phlebotomist in Alaska is about $37,740.00, that is one of the highest salaries in all states. the average salary a phlebotomist earns is $32,7770.00. The hourly rate in Alaska is $18.14.  At times, you can earn even more than the average, for it  depends on your job and qualifications.


Congratulations on your decision upon becoming a phlebotomist. As you are working towards your phlebotomy training and phlebotomy certification Alaska, you should know that your career choice helps many people and can create an everlasting impact on others. A phlebotomist assists many people and fills an important need in the medical community by taking care of others in a caring and compassionate manner.

The site for information on phlebotomy certification, salary and schools.