Salary for a Phlebotomist
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the current average salary for phlebotomist is $15.76 an hour, and $32,770 is the average amount a phlebotomist makes a year.
How can I earn more?
Salary for phlebotomist varies:
Salaries can be higher or lower depending on skills and location. The salary for a phlebotomist in California, New York and Illinois ranges from $18.76 an hour to even more. In addition, if a phlebotomist has additional knowledge or skills such as in pediatrics or geriatrics they can earn more than the average salary for a phlebotomist. Phlebotomist wage also grows with experience the more experienced one is the higher the pay rate.
Let us summarize, a salary for a phlebotomist depends on where they live and work, skill and how long they were working.
Where can a phlebotomist find jobs?
Phlebotomist jobs are found in all medical settings such as in hospitals or clinics. The average pay in a hospital is $15.33. Although jobs outside a hospital pay more they are harder to find because there are less jobs.
There are many places of employment for a phlebotomist such as laboratories, health clinics and physician offices. See Phlebotomy Jobs http://www.phlebotomycertification101.com/phlebotomy-jobs/ for available jobs.
You can research the constant changing for a phlebotomist salary on the government website. http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes319097.htm