phlebotomy certification in Wisconsin

Phlebotomy Certification in Wisconsin

Have you ever wondered what it takes to work in phlebotomy? Phlebotomy is when you take blood for various reasons, it is also known as blood drawing.

Every state has different requirements for a phlebotomist. A phlebotomist is someone who draws the blood. To become a phlebotomist in Wisconsin you will need to attend a school or training site. However, in Wisconsin you do not need to receive certification in order to work as a phlebotomist.

Let us take a look step by step how to attain phlebotomy certification in Wisconsin, why it is advised and what a career in phlebotomy entails.

Phlebotomy Career in Wisconsin:

Before  we will review how to attain your phlebotomy certification and talk about schooling, let us first see if a phlebotomy career is for you. Phlebotomist need to be caring and compassionate for they help people during a vulnerable time.  In addition, they must be responsible and reliable because they are responsible to deliver the test tubes and make sure they followed proper protocol and procedures.  Being that phlebotomist deal a lot with blood it is good not to feel too squeamish and uncomfortable when you see blood.

Now if you think that you will make a good phlebotomist, let us visit phlebotomy schools and see where you can learn to become a phlebotomist.

Phlebotomy Schooling in Wisconsin:

There are a variety of schools that can train you in phlebotomy. Schooling takes about 4- 12 months, however it varies for each school. In addition,  each school offers different setting and classes and therefore it is a good idea to compare them to one another to see which one best suits your needs.

Do you need online or night classes for you work full time? Are you a mom or dad? Ask yourself questions to help you decide what you need in order for you to complete the program successfully. Take a look at the questions below, these should give you an idea what you should ask the schools:

  1. What is the tuition cost of the program?
  2. How long does the program take?
  3. Does the school offer online or night classes?
  4. What will you receive at the conclusion off the program? a degree, diploma or certificate?
  5. Is the school accredited?
  6. Does the school help you prepare for the certification exam?
  7. Can the school help you find a job?

Now that you know what to ask, take a look below for schools in your neighborhood. It is good to know that sometimes a school a bit further away is a much better choice for you. In addition, make sure to write down the schools replies to your questions so that you can always reference it later on.


Now that you know how to receive  your phlebotomy education let us take a look at phlebotomy certification in Wisconsin.

Phlebotomy Certification in Wisconsin:

As  mentioned already, it is not a state requirement to have your certification in order for you to work. However it is highly recommended that you get it. That is because many employers look for phlebotomist whom are certified, because certification shows a prospective employer that you are familiar with all the basics in phlebotomy.  You can only get certification once you take an exam and pass.

There are a few agencies that can certify you in phlebotomy and it does not make a difference which one you choose. However all agencies are different and therefore it is a good idea to look into them and then decide which exam you want to take.

You might want to ask them:

  • how much the certification exam is
  • how often you need to re certify
  • where you can take the exam
  • what type of questions can you find on the exam
  • what are the requirements prior to taking the exam

Take a look here at the various agencies that certify phlebotomist. You will see more in depth information on them and the basic requirements.

Phlebotomy Jobs in Wisconsin:

Jobs in phlebotomy as in all health care jobs are on the rise. There will be a need for more phlebotomy jobs. We are looking at a projected growth of 25% in the next 10 years from 2014-2024. Thus this makes it an opportune time to join the healthcare profession!

As a phlebotomist you have the opportunity to work in many interesting job locations. Phlebotomist are needed in doctor offices, laboratories and in clinics. Although most phlebotomist work in hospitals they can also be found in pharmaceutical companies and even in government offices.

Most jobs in phlebotomy in Wisconsin will be found in the cities such as Milwaukee and Madison, however they are needed all over. Every doctors office that draws blood or takes blood tests need  phlebotomist.

Are you looking for a job as a phlebotomist in Wisconsin? Take a look here at recently posted jobs or search for available jobs.

Phlebotomist Salary in Wisconsin:

You are probably wondering how much you can earn as a phlebotomist in Wisconsin. The average a a phlebotomist earns in Wisconsin is $33,590.00. That is on the higher end according to all the states. However you can at times earn more than that. It will depend on your certification level and your years of experience.

Now that you are prepared and are familiar how to become a phlebotomist. You have to decide if it is the right career for you. You should know that as a phlebotomist you have the opportunity to help those in need and can comfort them during difficult times.

Although you do not need your phlebotomy certification in Wisconsin it can be a stepping stone to other medical professions and it can help you in the workforce.


The site for information on phlebotomy certification, salary and schools.